Whtz here ??

As i always say dont expect more or less .... yes dnt think this blog to b somthing of a tech or a typical writer ... i call my TOUCH ME NOT as a place of no sense with lots of emotions .... if i m angry or sad or romantic ;) .... i come here and scribble somthing often keep it as drafts to b deleted later and rarely post some :-) .....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Mini proj

...... Definetly the best time in my college life i can say ...... the beginning we(we 5) just decided the topic (tht i loved from the beginning of my btech life) ...STEGANOGRAPHY .... just decided no plan nothing ws done until we got the final date for the submission ...... there ws a month gap ......... ws running to study language , to find algorithm , ......... tht ws funny ....... everyday we wud plan one should do this , othr should do tht , .........wud do great planning but whn we meet in the next morning no one wud hav done anything except one ,......... later on i feel she would hav felt y these guys lik this
......All would meet and will start planning , we end up in planning for main project ...... we all dreamed high about our project ..........then atlast the presentation date ws announced ..... worked really hard ( last min works ) but it ws completed without much tensions..... we all together did the presentation well.... y call this the best tim in my college life is ........ we fight , we joke , we cut the class , wil go to hav food together ,...... tht ws all a real nice feeling for me ......... i could feel the real intesity of friendship ..... this i cannot forget .........

##############hoping to hav such wonderful friends around always ......############


Hiran Venugopalan said...

life is like that!
and life is always b-e-a-utyfull....

ChInNu said...


NightFox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NightFox said...

Hope your presentations go on smoothly and you score high. I believe you have now started thinking like an engineer. good luck.

Vishnu Visakh S said...

where are you..blog....chumma itittu..veeetil kuthi irikaano

jinsbond007 said...


It appears like you did something everybody does! Having someone to work is nice. Just think of people who won't do anything and does the same project for mini and main! We lived just using tech jargon. So take it easy man. U wont miss anything in life, if you keep in mind nothing is yours!