Whtz here ??

As i always say dont expect more or less .... yes dnt think this blog to b somthing of a tech or a typical writer ... i call my TOUCH ME NOT as a place of no sense with lots of emotions .... if i m angry or sad or romantic ;) .... i come here and scribble somthing often keep it as drafts to b deleted later and rarely post some :-) .....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Mini proj

...... Definetly the best time in my college life i can say ...... the beginning we(we 5) just decided the topic (tht i loved from the beginning of my btech life) ...STEGANOGRAPHY .... just decided no plan nothing ws done until we got the final date for the submission ...... there ws a month gap ......... ws running to study language , to find algorithm , ......... tht ws funny ....... everyday we wud plan one should do this , othr should do tht , .........wud do great planning but whn we meet in the next morning no one wud hav done anything except one ,......... later on i feel she would hav felt y these guys lik this
......All would meet and will start planning , we end up in planning for main project ...... we all dreamed high about our project ..........then atlast the presentation date ws announced ..... worked really hard ( last min works ) but it ws completed without much tensions..... we all together did the presentation well.... y call this the best tim in my college life is ........ we fight , we joke , we cut the class , wil go to hav food together ,...... tht ws all a real nice feeling for me ......... i could feel the real intesity of friendship ..... this i cannot forget .........

##############hoping to hav such wonderful friends around always ......############